The Premium C-1 Drag Block Tubing Anchor Catcher is used to place the tubing string in tension or compression. By preventing vertical tubing movement, excessive sucker rod tubing wear is avoided as well as increasing pump efficiencies. The small OD and large ID of the anchor catcher allow for larger volume production capacities. The Tubing Anchor Catcher is fully retrievable and can be easily adjusted for emergency shear release by adding or removing shear pins.
• Left Hand Set or Right Hand Set are both available
- LH Set for Rod Pumps
- RH Set for PC Pumps
• Sets securely in any hardness casing
• Large Bore – Small OD (allows for higher production volumes)
• Easily adjust emergency shear release from 5,000 lbs to 50,000 lbs
• Drag Blocks for optimal setting and releasing control